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SpaceBourne 2

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:35 pm
by Solitaire
I just bought this based upon a video review of gameplay:

It's in early access, and created by one person, apparently. I'm downloading now. It seems to have a ton of content and gameplay, and should have more as time goes by. I'm happy to give this dev $20 - it looks awesome so far

Re: SpaceBourne 2

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:58 pm
by Sly Boots
I bought it but refunded, I couldn't get past the AI voice acting and general jankiness.

Make your own mind up though Soli, a lot of people seem to like it!

Re: SpaceBourne 2

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:17 am
by Solitaire
It must be said that it is in "very early access" and who knows how many years before it's fleshed out and not so janky with the 3rd-person stuff. But I'm willing to give it a try because it does do (or promise to do) a lot of things that I'd enjoy in a space-faring game. It's mostly AI-spoken right now, which means the team of however many there are making this didn't have to spend ten thousand hours recording people and could get a game out the gate. We can just hope they'll record the lines eventually ;)

Re: SpaceBourne 2

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:34 am
by Rusty
Put plenty of hours into this (I just checked 41 hours!). It's very janky but playable.
I think I managed to get a super upgraded ship and pwned everything. Same with ground combat.

I think I sort of gave up on it when it came to system building/takeovers. It was just too much grind and obfuscated.

Definitely got my money's worth though.