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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:39 am
by Rusty
Scream VI

I don't think I've watched any of the other of this franchise apart from the first one. It was OK, mainly thanks to Jenna Ortega (she's just sooo cute).

For a film that is meta about horror films they do so many things that make me shout at the screen "why did you do that?". The ending was just picking random characters as the 'baddy'.


I thought it was going to be animated but was actually live action! Not funny but made me smile a few times. Poop and nob 'jokes' aplenty. Not a second goes by without a swear word because swearing = adult..right?

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:31 am
by Drarok
I saw an advert for Strays and sent it to some friends, along with "this looks terrible, I can't wait to watch it drunk". 8-)

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:26 pm
by Alan
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse
Really liked that! The more of Edward G. Robinson I see the more I like him. Seems he got a bit typecast as mob boss later but hes a great versatile actor. It also stars Bogart who I could take or leave, I find him a bit meh. The plot is that the titular doctor wants to analyse the physical effect of doing crime on the criminals and so decides to become a criminal. I guess its a dark comic thriller and it fills those roles perfectly!

And no its not a Carry On film :p

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:25 am
by Alan
The Creator
Cracking visuals and design. The story is really a turn your brain off and go with it kind of job. Plot holes and jumps of logic are everywhere. Its annoying because I really liked the world building but the ridiculous logic and the MacGuffin ruin that. Its enjoyable enough but I dont think I'd bother with a rewatch. Very weird choice of using Everything In Its Right Place by Radiohead on the launch of a military assault which is really jarringly out of place.

Madam Satan 1930
This starts as a fairly basic woman dealing with her husband cheating on her then the second act goes bonkers with a masquerade ball on a zeppelin thats crashing! Its great! The effects are amazing too! Its a weird weird film but I kind of loved it!

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 1:54 pm
by Rusty
No one lives

No idea why I bothered watching this. I think I was just scrolling through Amazon prime movies.
Anyhoo - Luke Evans is a pyscho. He gets kidnapped by more pychos who then all try to out pyscho each other.

The gore is over the top (in a good way) and masks the paper-thin plot. I honestly thought there was going to be a plot twist (that I'd already decided on) but they never took it... weird. It's all very face value.

Would watch again with friends to have a laugh.

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:02 pm
by Achtung Englander
The Creator


Visually spectacular. Tonally, a mess. The last 30 minutes had studio scissors all over the place. I suspect a directors cut would make for a better viewing. The problem I had with this film is that half the world building is simply amazing
from suicide AI bombs to downloading someone's brain to a spaceship missile launcher
but the second half made zero sense
with robots that eat, sleep and wear clothes :? to none of the AI using their technology to their advantage like Bluetooth communication to infrared to better tactical awareness. They all acted and behaved as humans, making our fear of AI meaningless as the robots were just as dumb as humans.
A let down on what could have been a huge potential and an amazing film. Its like going to a restaurant and having an amazing starter and premeal cocktail, only for the main course to be meh and awful dessert.

I will not bother to re-watch. The acting was excellent by the way.

This is an excellent review and Jeff gets it 100% on point

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:52 pm
by Rusty
The trailer makes The Creator look fab but like you said the actual plot/story is sub par.
Still want to watch it though.

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:56 pm
by Rusty
Totally Killer

Another one of those 'just browsing Amazon and clicking stuff'.

It's a sort of Scream + Back to the Future + random 80's film mishmash.

I think I quite liked it. Funny in places, weird in others. People actually die, although in rather poor cgi form.
Again, the big reveal of the killer didn't seem to have any foreshadowing. In fact I decided the twist was something else and they didn't go with it.

Not sad I watched it.


Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:46 am
by Alan
Exorcist Believer
Well that was much much better than I ever expected it to be. There are some but it doesn't rely on jump scares and the ending is actually quite fitting. Notbad/10

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:31 am
by eny
John Wick 4

What can I say but "Nuts!"

A comical turn of what we have enjoyed previously, suspend your disbelief and it is very entertaining! The action is relentless, although the main baddy is wet as fuck.

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 11:52 am
by Snowy
eny wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:31 am
John Wick 4

What can I say but "Nuts!"

A comical turn of what we have enjoyed previously, suspend your disbelief and it is very entertaining! The action is relentless, although the main baddy is wet as fuck.
I have that on my list for tonight. Would have watched it last night but decided that Live & Let Die was a better option. Amazing how utterly rapey James Bond was in those old films, but I just regressed to 70's Snowy and enjoyed it for what it is.

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:04 pm
by Raid
Yeah, it's what I'm watching this evening too. We'll have to share notes.

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 1:33 pm
by Animalmother
Should be an interesting comparison between John Wick 4 and 70's Bond.

My favourite scene from Live and Let Die :lol:

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 9:25 pm
by Raid
John Wick: Chapter 4

I think this may actually be my favourite ever piece of action cinema, finally replacing Fury Road. It's stunning. Snowy offered to watch it together over voice chat, and I declined as I don't tend to watch films with chatter, but all he'd have heard was riotous laughter from my side. The choreography doesn't once drop below the level of "staggeringly good" - even just the amount of effort they put into the double-tap kill-confirming is astonishing. It has the grace of Crouching Tiger with the precision of, well, any Jackie Chan film. It's really quite astonishingly good.

Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:05 pm
by eny
The German poleaxe was my biggest laugh! :lol: