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Battlestar Galactica is getting a reboot. Yes, again.

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:26 pm
by Raid
As if anyone needed more evidence to say that nobody has original ideas anymore. ... 202736127/

I could understand if the 2004 reboot wasn't well received, but it's one of the best loved sci-fi shows of the last two decades. It may have ended with a whimper for some people (I had issues with the direction they took, but for the most part really enjoyed it), but the first two or three seasons were extremely strong, with a superb cast that I can't see being improved upon.

It's really quite fitting that the first reboot ended on the theme of repetition; "All this has happened before." "But the question remains: does all of this have to happen again?"

Re: Battlestar Galactica is getting a reboot. Yes, again.

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:40 pm
by Animalmother
That's a funny one to get a reboot alright. Wouldn't be opposed to it but it's been done camp and it's been done gritty, interesting to see where it goes.

Re: Battlestar Galactica is getting a reboot. Yes, again.

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:43 pm
by Mantis
It really doesn't need a reboot. Not only does the 2004 version still stand up well today, I'm not sure how they can really do a better job either. The first couple of seasons of the first reboot are seriously top notch TV.

Re: Battlestar Galactica is getting a reboot. Yes, again.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:35 am
by Rusty
I grew up with the original series and still love it (still love the newer reboot too). I would draw the Vipers all day at school.
I don't mind a reboot as it's visiting that universe again. I just wish the cylons would be cool again, similar to the first ones but scarier. Not the 'human' versions or the rubbish CGI ones.

Re: Battlestar Galactica is getting a reboot. Yes, again.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 1:40 pm
by Strudel
I loved the 2004 reboot. Up until season 4 when it became very clear that they had no fucking idea what they were doing any more. There are still some great moments in season 4, but the fact that they wrote themselves into a hole and never figured out how to get out of it was a real disappointment.

The podcast was actually really interesting as well.

Re: Battlestar Galactica is getting a reboot. Yes, again.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:49 pm
by Animalmother
There was a podcast?

Re: Battlestar Galactica is getting a reboot. Yes, again.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:26 pm
by Strudel
Yeah, it started in season 2 I think. It was basically just Ron Moore sat at home watching the episode of the week and chatting about random stuff that he thought about as it came up. Sometimes it was difficulties in filming a particular scene, or how an actor ended up being cast.

I remember in one episode he was talking about filming something realistically versus what worked on film and harking back to 33 - the first episode of season 1 where the crew are all sleep deprived Eddie Olmos had told the cast they all had to stay awake for 72 hours before filming so it would be real and Moore goes on about how utterly shit that would be on film because when people really are that tired they slur their speech and everything is very slow and it just doesn't work on film.

In, I think, season 2 or 3 there's a scene where the Cylons come on board Galactica and throw Baltar back to the humans. When filming James Callis did a double take when Helo starts talking to him and Moore asks why he did that and Callis points out that this is actually the first scene where Baltar and Helo meet each other so of course Baltar's first reaction is going to be "Who the fuck is this 6 foot 5 military officer who's telling me what to do?". It was one of those weird realisations (for Moore!) that these are members of this big family who have all been working together for literally years but whose characters still haven't actually met and Callis knew this because it was his character, but no one else really clocked it until it was mentioned.

Some great little insights into stuff like that.