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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:55 am
by Drarok
Pew-Pew wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:09 am
Not to brag or anything, but I recently moved into an apartment complex here that has two large 50m pools and a few smaller ones.
Wow! Where abouts is that? Bear in mind I don't even know what country you're in! :mrgreen:
Lennyquantum wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2023 9:50 am
Brilliant. :lol:

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 3:22 pm
by Rusty
I've spent all afternoon in meetings without my camera on, fully nude with the fan on. It's boiling in here (working from home not the office :) )

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:12 am
by Pew-Pew
Drarok wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:55 am
Pew-Pew wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:09 am
Not to brag or anything, but I recently moved into an apartment complex here that has two large 50m pools and a few smaller ones.
Wow! Where abouts is that? Bear in mind I don't even know what country you're in! :mrgreen:
Lennyquantum wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2023 9:50 am
Brilliant. :lol:
I'm currently living in Singapore, so it's swimming pool weather all year round! In the current part of the year it doesn't really go below 25-27C at night, but doesn't go much above 32-33C during the day. In the wetter season it is more like 24-29C variation, but the low temp is usually only at like 3am.

I gues I could also put that into room 101 though, I miss being cold and/or not sweaty. Seasons are such a nice thing to feel the passing of time by.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:55 pm
by Alan
Reviewers that dock points from open back headphones for sound leaking. Its the f'kin point you bloody idiots!

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:42 am
by Wrathbone
Council jobsworths. I’m currently in a dispute with someone at the council who believes that I’m responsible for maintaining someone else’s overgrown tree on someone else’s property because some branches overhang part of a public road that they claim are on the boundary of my property (which is dubious in itself and even if true covers about 1m of overhanging branches out of a 5m+ tree coverage).

You’d think this would be open and shut - not my fucking tree! But no, the council want to drag this out for reasons unknown rather than going to the actual owner of the tree. FML.

EDIT - And it's over. I spammed them with photos of the area and they finally apologised and admitted they were talking bollocks.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:15 am
by Raid
The amount of effort it now takes to claim a tax refund. HMRC used to just send you a cheque, which was fine for small amounts as you could pay them remotely via your bank's mobile app in many cases. Now they force you to sign up for the HMRC app, which involves about 5 steps including entering all of the information from two pieces of ID. And even if you have all of the ID they request (many won't), it still takes 4 days longer to process than a cheque would. The kicker? They tell you to do this via a posted letter, meaning they're not even saving the cost of sending you something in the first place.

It's so transparent that they're trying to make as few people as possible claim their refunds.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:23 pm
by Sly Boots

I'm not opposed to having ads on streaming services if they're not too long and often, but Freevee manages to take the cake by making the ads actually break the show you're watching. We're trying to watch a series on there, but every 10 minutes we see an ad or two, which is followed by our show freezing as if it's buffering (which is unlikely on fibre broadband), and then a message saying the video is unavailable and closing the player. Every single time, and the only thing that fixes it is to reload the menu page after the player has crashed then resuming the show.

I guess it's first-world problems in a way but it's bloody annoying doing that 4-5 times for each hour-long episode of a show. And I know it's the ads causing the issue as the last episode for some reason only had one ad break near the beginning and then nothing else... surprise surprise, uninterrupted televisual joy.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 6:52 pm
by Animalmother
Or when the ad breaks aren't timed to coincide with a scene change in the show and it happens mid sentence. Iwas watching something recently and it was cutting the audio just before and after the ad breaks, only a few seconds but fuck did it get annoying.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:54 pm
by Sly Boots
Animalmother wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 6:52 pm
Or when the ad breaks aren't timed to coincide with a scene change in the show and it happens mid sentence. Iwas watching something recently and it was cutting the audio just before and after the ad breaks, only a few seconds but fuck did it get annoying.
Yes, that too!

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:22 am
by Wrathbone
Websites with autoplay videos that don't mute the sound, causing me to leap out of my skin.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 12:05 pm
by Raid
Applications that give you a notification icon, say for a new e-mail, but that don't then recognise that you've read said e-mail unless you then click onto a different one. Just bringing the window up doesn't seem to count. I must check Outlook and Teams multiple ten times a day because I think I've got something new to read when I already read it half an hour ago.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 12:48 pm
by Drarok
Teams is honestly the worst piece of software I've ever had to use, you have my condolences.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 12:44 pm
by Raid
Almost everything about the weather right now.

It's too warm to wear a jacket (honestly anything above 10 degrees is too warm for me to wear a jacket), but it's raining almost constantly. I'm assuming we're going to be seeing headlines of the "wettest July on record" from tomorrow. My walk to work is 6.5km, so it's not like I can just leave the jacket off and hope I don't get too wet. I live in the North West, so it's also usually windy enough for an umbrella to be fairly useless. Also the touch controls on both my watch and earbuds are triggered by even the slightest damp touch, so after walking for half an hour with a hood up, my music is constantly being paused or the volume lowered, or the audio-passthrough mode is being activated. I can lock the watch, but not the earbuds without going into an app every time I want to unlock them again. Oh, and then there's the constant vague anxiety about a July this wet being the result of an unstoppable climate catastrophe that nobody in charge seems to care about.

And the real kicker? Of my team of 12, there are only three of us actually in the office today. There's practically no benefit for me actually being here, and I already had my work laptop at home as I worked there on friday.

And before someone chimes in with "you need to learn to drive!", know that I've had that conversation seventy million times in the last twenty years with parents, extended family, friends, co-workers, cats... it's neither affordable nor desirable for me at present. Suggesting it will invite consequences from withering glares up to and including global thermonuclear war.

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:01 pm
by Wrathbone
Raid wrote:
Mon Jul 31, 2023 12:44 pm
And before someone chimes in with "you need to learn to drive!", know that I've had that conversation seventy million times in the last twenty years with parents, extended family, friends, co-workers, cats... it's neither affordable nor desirable for me at present.
Given your extensive flight sim experience, could you buy a disused A-10 Warthog? Might shut them all up when you land on the A6. :lol:

Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:45 pm
by Snowy
Raid wrote:
Mon Jul 31, 2023 12:44 pm
And before someone chimes in with "you need to learn to drive!", know that I've had that conversation seventy million times in the last twenty years with parents, Snowy, extended family, friends, Snowy, co-workers, cats, Snowy... it's neither affordable nor desirable for me at present. Suggesting it will invite consequences from withering glares up to and including global thermonuclear war.
Fixed that for you...