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Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:42 am
by eny
So now we have woefully incompetent Gavin fucking Williamson being made a knight for services to secrecy....FFS, this is a Cuntocracy of the highest order. They've sold a glorious nation out from under us.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:17 am
by Raid
I assume the conversation went "Give me a knighthood or I release the photos."

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:55 pm
by eny
The latest DEAD CAT from this clusterfuck of a government keeps focus conveniently away from Green Cards and non-doming, and parties and lies....this comes as no surprise though:

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:46 pm
by Animalmother

I knew he was a Edwin but fucking hell...

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:43 am
by Wrathbone
You could pick someone’s name from a hat across the entire UK population and appoint them as PM and we’d be in a better situation than we are now. People are saying he won’t be PM by the end of the year but if he won’t resign now then I can’t see what on earth he would resign over. And when he does eventually go, it’ll just be a different sort of political hell.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:11 am
by Raid
I've seen plenty of comments to suggest that his remaining in power for now is arguably better for the opposition because the Tories are tearing themselves apart over it. 41% of standing Conservative MPs don't think he should be leader, that's more than what caused Theresa May to be kicked out. Anyone with leadership ambitions will be plotting out in the open.

But I can't take any pleasure in this, because as the video above shows, he has a pattern of falling upward. I don't understand how this works. I don't understand how he keeps finding well-paying positions of influence despite being one of the worst human beings in this country. Is it just confidence? He clearly completely believes that he has some god-given right to rule, and that he is better than everyone around him. He doesn't have even a hint of humility in his character.

It's no wonder this country is in such a state when its leadership is being chosen by this man.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:29 am
by Wrathbone
Raid wrote:
Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:11 am
I've seen plenty of comments to suggest that his remaining in power for now is arguably better for the opposition because the Tories are tearing themselves apart over it. 41% of standing Conservative MPs don't think he should be leader, that's more than what caused Theresa May to be kicked out. Anyone with leadership ambitions will be plotting out in the open.
I'm quite terrified that at the next election in a couple of years, all this will have been forgotten (or superseded by things even more ridiculous) and the Conservatives will use whatever dirty tricks they have to win again, whether Boris Johnson is there or not. Kier Starmer is nowhere near as bad, but he's still a terrible party leader who is doing nothing to stir voter ambitions during a period where the public should be overwhelmingly demanding a change of government. And yet there's no credible candidate to replace him. There's no credible Tory candidate to replace Johnson either (at least none with clean hands). We are totally devoid of leaders.

I hate to say it - genuinely, it pains me to even contemplate this - but Warmonger Blair has been doing interview rounds recently and has sounded more professional and statesmanlike than any of the damp squibs and charlatans currently wasting space on the front benches. I don't think I could ever forgive his actions around Iraq (and his profiteering from it afterwards), but if he decided to get back into front line politics I'd wager he'd be PM again before long. Besides, it's not like openly breaking the law in office is considered a problem anymore. :cry:

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:48 am
by Raid
I think the problem for the opposition is that they need to choose a leader that can't be crucified by the press. Blair would be too easy a target. Even if both sides had equal access to the press, war criminal is arguably even easier to negatively spin than Johnson's serial lying and incompetence.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:56 am
by Wrathbone
I reckon they could mitigate that by agreeing to a no-holds-barred interview between Blair and George Galloway, in which Galloway would turn up in one of his silly hats and go absolutely froth-mouthed at him, with Blair sitting their calmly and not looking like a complete buffoon. It would spin the whole war crimes thing as being overblown and inaccurate, which of course isn't the case, but in politics all you need is for your naysayers to come across as worse lunatics than you are.

It worries me that this is the best solution I can imagine to repair British politics. :lol:

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 8:04 am
by Raid
It worries me that I'm so disillusioned with British politics and how it's basically just a media project, that we're talking about a war criminal and I'm considering the issues with how that would be spun, rather than, y'know, us re-electing a war criminal.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:48 am
by Mantis
As much as the slow disintegration of his premiership is pleasant to see and only going to hurt them more in the polls the more prolonged it is, I am concerned how much we stand to lose the longer we keep him in the chair. The sabre rattling about trashing the NI protocol and starting a trade war with the EU hasn't gone away, and JRMs department highlighted the only benefits of Brexit being trashing various regulations and employment rights for workers in favour of businesses. Coupled with them continuing to trash public services and Frau Patel salivating at taking away all our civil rights, I really don't fancy the idea of how much more damage they may cause between now and the next election if he really manages to cling on.

Every single thing they do is only ever in the favour of massive businesses and existing monopolies. They don't give a solitary toss about independents or the public in general. And the rabid supporters on the payroll of the government are only going to want to kick this approach into overdrive if they see that the writing is on the wall with their time in power.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:53 am
by Animalmother
I think US politics has shown that the damage that can be done is pretty much limitless.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:07 am
by Raid
I think the belief is that the more in-fighting happening within the Tories, the less their agenda can be pushed through, but you're right Mantis. The question really is whether the next two years are going to be worse than the five that follow should they find a leader that's more palatable to the public and then win the next election. I have entirely lost faith in the electorate as a whole, and all the shit we've had to put up with from Johnson could probably be forgotten about because of a meagre cost of living reduction in the months leading up to the polls opening.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:02 pm
by Raid
There we go: ... d-position

I can genuinely see the petulant little arsehole threatening a general election if this happens. The Tories are currently down in the polls so it wouldn't be an empty threat.

Re: The Elephant in the Room - Brexit

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:47 pm
by Wrathbone
I don't think he'd dare risk a general election just yet. I guess he could eject a handful of the most vocal rebels from the party, but he runs the risk of causing more of them to defect or resign, which could trigger a GE against his will.

I think it's more likely that he'll just grease enough rebel palms to allow him to coast through the next year. Or he'll do a classic Trump and cause some new disaster as a distraction. I really wouldn't put it past him to escalate things with Putin to achieve exactly that.