I Just Watched (Films)

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Wrathbone » Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:53 am

Alan wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 1:26 am
The Wasp Woman 1959
A chap extracts a reverse aging drug from a Queen wasp. Partners with an aging beauty tycoon (I mean she must be as old as her mid 30s!) who tests it out on herself and becomes a warewasp. Its surprisingly quite good! The end is incredibly rushed like they ran out of money or ideas but I was surprised at how much I liked the rest!
I do admire the innocence of 50s cinema. :lol:

Almost completely lacking in Black Widow is any sense of outrage over the grotesque violations of human rights and human dignity at the root of the whole premise of the film. The filmmakers ape something of the style of the Bourne trilogy, but they miss its heart.


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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Animalmother » Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:27 am

I watched that last year I think and was surprised how much I enjoyed it, the full film should be on YouTube. Everyone smokes and all the male employees sleaze onto the female ones with wild abandon. Yeah the ending does look like they were running out of cash and ideas :lol:

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Sly Boots » Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:26 pm

Animalmother wrote:
Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:41 am
The Trip (not the Steve Coogan one..)
Norwegian comedy about a couple who head to a cabin for the weekend as their marriage is collapsing. Three escaped prisoners show up and the gleeful violence hits the turbo button. It's like Bottom made by Peter Jackson in his early days with mostly practical effects. It's not the the best thing ever made but it is genuinely funny and the body trauma is eye watering in places
Just saw this, great fun!

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Animalmother » Sun Oct 31, 2021 3:35 pm

I knew absolutely nothing about this character or film before watching so was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. A kid who can transform into an adult superhero but still retains the total lack of awareness or social skills that requires. Good fun and with some Doom 2016 inspired creature design by the looks of it.

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Sly Boots » Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:15 pm

Animalmother wrote:
Sun Oct 31, 2021 3:35 pm
I knew absolutely nothing about this character or film before watching so was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. A kid who can transform into an adult superhero but still retains the total lack of awareness or social skills that requires. Good fun and with some Doom 2016 inspired creature design by the looks of it.
Yeah, enjoyed this one.

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Wrathbone » Sun Oct 31, 2021 10:02 pm

Blade Runner 2049

As someone who does not get along well with the original Blade Runner, I went into this mainly to marvel at its supposedly breathtaking 4K presentation (nothing else in my collection comes close visually). What I hadn’t expected is that it would be one of the greatest sci-fi films I’ve ever seen, taking all the style and aesthetic of its predecessor and using it to tell an engaging, thought-provoking, gripping story that achieves world-building through character in a way that few other films manage. I’m stunned - I’d expected I might enjoy it more than the impenetrable misery of Ridley Scott’s effort, but I never thought it would be this good.

I’ve had some great luck with picking films this week! :)


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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Sly Boots » Sun Oct 31, 2021 10:06 pm

I've been putting it off for years, going to have to put that right at some point!

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Raid » Sun Oct 31, 2021 10:45 pm

Do it. My thoughts are identical to Wrath's - it's a phenomenal film. What I would say is try to watch it without distractions if you ever get chance; it's an atmospheric masterpiece and one to really lose yourself in. And speaking of Denis Villeneuve sci-fi...


Yeah, this one's pretty special too. It really is an epic in the traditional sense rather than the watered down synonym for "good". It has the scale, the stakes, the somewhat slow pacing that I found totally absorbing. The acting's great and the soundtrack is almost perfect, and who knew that Jason Momoa actually had a chin under all of that beard? A special mention goes to the sound work used for The Voice, which honestly sent a chill down my spine every time it was used.

I said back when I watched the 80s version that I loved the fiction but hated everything about the production, and this holds true now that I've seen a more competent version. I can understand why this was once said to be unfilmable - this wouldn't have had half the majesty even ten or fifteen years ago, and the digital effects work is sublime.

However it wasn't without its faults, and I'm not sure whether they were down to the film or the cinema I watched it in. I had real trouble hearing some of the dialogue as the mixing seemed off, with the music too loud in places where someone's muttering something quietly. Some scenes are so dark that you can barely make out more than the characters silhouettes, although this does have the effect of absolutely blinding the viewer when the characters step out into the Arrakis sun, which is so fitting I have to assume it was entirely intentional.


And that leads me on to a bit of a sad realisation - I just don't enjoy going to the cinema anymore. It used to be that I wanted to see the really big films on the big screen, but I don't think that's the case any more. Now that I have a decent home-theatre audio setup (and don't get me wrong, I know I'm privileged to be able to afford the £1500 it cost me), I just don't see the advantage of going to a cinema. The audience in that showing were perfectly polite; I maybe heard the odd utterance from the person sat in the seat directly next to me, but it's not as if people were checking their phones or throwing popcorn all the way through. But the rustling of a sweet packet in the quiet bits, the ear-piercing volume in the not-quiet bits, the visible marks on the projection screen that are distracting in brightly lit shots, the fact that it's now a 40 minute walk for me to get there... it just doesn't feel worth the effort any more. I think if streaming services bring their premier pricing down to below £20 or so, I'll just watch new releases at home instead.

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Mantis » Sun Oct 31, 2021 11:12 pm

Wrathbone wrote:
Sun Oct 31, 2021 10:02 pm
Blade Runner 2049

As someone who does not get along well with the original Blade Runner, I went into this mainly to marvel at its supposedly breathtaking 4K presentation (nothing else in my collection comes close visually). What I hadn’t expected is that it would be one of the greatest sci-fi films I’ve ever seen, taking all the style and aesthetic of its predecessor and using it to tell an engaging, thought-provoking, gripping story that achieves world-building through character in a way that few other films manage. I’m stunned - I’d expected I might enjoy it more than the impenetrable misery of Ridley Scott’s effort, but I never thought it would be this good.

I’ve had some great luck with picking films this week! :)

Glad you enjoyed it. It genuinely is one of my favourite films of all time, absolutely knocks it out of the park in so many departments.

The IMAX experience at the cinema was really quite something with those huge speaker systems.

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Nov 01, 2021 8:21 am

Some spoilery thoughts:
What struck me was how few actual humans are in the film, and how they've each been de-humanised. The elderly Gaff in the run-down care home seems to be left alone in a corner, a victim of society's declining humanity. The sweatshop owner enslaves children in a utilitarian nightmare. And then there's Wallace - what a spectacularly awful fucko he is! :lol: He's forgotten humanity in his attempts to play God.

On the other side, you've got the machines: replicants like K / Joe who are trying to justify their existence in a world that spits at them, but I think more important is Joi. An AI that's not even able to physically manifest, she appears to have developed genuine affection beyond what's expected from her programming. Why? Because it seems Joe invested time and love into their relationship. After she's been destroyed, the Joi advert is back to selling sex and of course Joe isn't interested because that wasn't what he'd lost. I guess the implication is that their relationship wasn't replicable (pun certainly intended).
I'm sure it's a film I'll be mulling over for years, as it goes right to the roots of exploring the human condition. It's even got me wanting to watch the original again from a new perspective.

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Mantis » Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:14 am

I think that bit works on a number of levels, because it's right after K learns that he isn't the special messiah replicant that he previously thought and so he's at a bit of a crossroads as to what he will even do. It must be pretty crushing to think you have a special purpose only to find out that you're just a regular production line replicant, a sub-human which most consider to be soulless.

The advert Joi says "You look like a good joe" to him and the ad text says "Everything you want to hear", which I think opens his eyes to the fact that maybe his relationship with her wasn't quite as legitimate as he thought. She was just a computer program, and he was just sleepwalking through events doing his job as a replicant and surrounding himself with things that made him feel like he had a real life like a normal human, but really it was all a construct. By this point in the movie he has literally lost everything that he built his identity around; his job, his AI girlfriend, the idea he was the first replicant to actually be born.

But then he takes it on himself to go save Deckard and reunite him with his daughter rather than doing what the replicant underground group want and killing him. So ultimately he proves that he isn't just a soulless engineered human as he shows compassion and even sacrifices himself for the two of them.

The theme of self determination crops up in both movies and is used to show that the replicants can be better humans than the normal folk, regardless of what one thinks on the subject of them having souls. K defies everyone to reunite a father with his daugher. Roy Batty realises the pointlessness of the entire pursuit with Deckard and uses the last of his energy before his life expires to save him even though Deckard has literally spent the entire movie trying to kill him. In the end the replicants are the victims and they demonstrate that they can be more human.

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Solitaire » Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:06 pm

Blade Runner: 2049 is a grand effort, in all the ways you've mentioned, Wrathbone. It's visually stunning, from top to bottom, and the story is engaging, thought-provoking, and furiously sad at times.

I'm concerned that you don't like the original Blade Runner, though! Definitely give it another chance, and report your thoughts back here, please. It's in my top ten movies of all time, as pretty much every Philip K. Dick movie adaptation seems to be :p Frank Herbert's Dune is now up there in the top ten, as well, instead of at the bottom of the pile of movies I'll never watch again, ever - that's looking at the 80s travesty, naturally. I must live for two more years, to see part two!
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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Animalmother » Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:46 pm

When I first watched Bladerunner 2049 I wasn't impressed, it took another viewing to realize how good it really was. Really want to see Dune and I'd love to see Denis Villeneuve have a crack at an Alien or Robocop film without any interference.

Soli do you mind if I ask a question about US high schools? In 99% of films they are shown to be full of bullies, vapid bitches and unhinged teachers, how true is that?

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:52 pm

Solitaire wrote:
Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:06 pm
I'm concerned that you don't like the original Blade Runner, though! Definitely give it another chance, and report your thoughts back here, please.
Ha, yeah, I am a bit of a heretic in that regard. :) I mentioned some of my reasons for not enjoying it a couple of years ago:

http://www.gamersarms.com/forum/viewtop ... 485#p19485

As I said then, I do recognise it as an important film and a well-made film (some narrative concerns aside). I’ve just never enjoyed it. After 2049, though, I’ve ordered it on 4K to give it the best possible chance, and even if I don’t feel any different about it, I’ll still be glad to have it in my collection as a visually-striking and culturally-significant piece of cinema.

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Re: I Just Watched (Films)

Post by Achtung Englander » Tue Nov 02, 2021 12:32 am

Wrathbone wrote:
Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:04 am
Anatomy of a Murder

I enjoy a good courtroom drama, so it's strange that this one has escaped me until now. It lives up to its reputation as one of the all-time greats, with James Stewart's commanding yet folksy performance as good as I've ever seen him. I love how it doesn't suggest (let alone force) any moral or legal stance on the case at all, leaving you to make your own judgements as to whether justice was served. Since rape is a major factor of the case, there are some staggeringly awful attitudes of the time thrown about with zero care, respect or humanity by modern standards, but of course you have to take it as a product of its time.

At the same time, I struggle to call it a drama. It's a bizarre film in that regard as there isn't really any character development, and yet it's undeniably gripping and powerful and has something to say. If anything, I'm the one who changed - it almost feels like it drags you in as the collective character of the jury and makes you part of the story, begging the question of what constitutes justice. I've never seen a film quite like it.

Just saw it, I think I was less moved than you. Great acting by Stewart and I think this is George C Scott's first film, it certainly put him on the map. I did like the fact I had no idea of how the jury was going to decide. It was ahead of its time but it has been overshadowed by other court room dramas like A few Good Men and The Verdict
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