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Audiobook Recommendations

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:46 pm
by Mantis
As an aside to the currently reading thread, do we have any Audible subscribers here? I've been amassing credits for a few months now and am consistently uninspired by the selection on offer, not aided by Amazon's/Audible's really poor interface which never seems to recommend anything I would actually like and only suggests the latest amateur rubbish.

So has anyone listened to anything recently they'd recommend?

Re: Audiobook Recommendations

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:38 am
by Snowy
The Sherlock Holmes stories narrated by Stephen Fry are rather good, if you are a fan of them.

Re: Audiobook Recommendations

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:52 am
by Alan
I tend just to abuse their "come back again and have another trial!" thing they send me every year.

I fairly enjoyed the two Fry books on Greek mythology though I did zone out a few times but thats more my issue any time I try and listen to an audiobook more than the content of that book. Enjoyed Dogs of War by Adrian Tchaikovsky which I listened to after reading it and I think it's better as an audiobook. Listened to one of the Bobiverse books by Dennis E Taylor which was good but just on the right side of the knife edge of being annoying but I could see it going either way depending on the listener.

This reminds me the new Bobiverse book just came out! :mrgreen: