General Film News

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Re: General Film News

Post by Stormbringer » Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:12 am

I grinned with a massive grin when I saw...

...Lando! :D
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Re: General Film News

Post by Raid » Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:56 pm

Likewise. He's looking good for his age too.

I did wonder how they were going to deal with the death of Carrie Fisher. From what I recall, she died before the release of the previous film, so unless they did the shooting for both back to back (and they didn't as far as I'm aware), they're going to have to raid cut scenes from the previous two films, or make a CGI version (which I can't see as being tasteful given how recent her death was). Clearly that brief clip in the trailer is Carrie herself, unless they've fixed the uncanny valley effect we got from CG Peter Cushing.

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Re: General Film News

Post by Mantis » Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:32 pm

I recall reading a while ago that they were going to repurpose some of the leftover footage that she shot for Ep8.

Curious as to how the story is going to pan out given that little laugh at the end of the trailer and the title.

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Re: General Film News

Post by Achtung Englander » Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:39 pm

JJ Abrams is giving a big FUCK YOU to Rian Johnson and I would not be surprised in the least if everything in The Last Jedi was ditched. Johnson did not reach out to Abrams so Abrams most likely stuck to his trilogy outline and reworked Palpatine as Snoke and Ray is a Skywalker, reversing the "lie" that she is a nobody. This entire trilogy is so disjointed I have almost lost all interest in Star Wars now. I thought the prequels were bad because of shit CGI, this sucks because you can see a premise of a promising trilogy systematically fucked because Kathleen Kennedy is confused as fuck as to what this legacy means to its fans and instead of thrashing out an arc of a storyline and sticking to it, she gave free reign to Johnson (for what must be a mad decision) and than scrambling a plot to salvage this trilogy. The idea that the past is dead and must be "killed" to then constantly bring back old faces and even conjure up dead characters for nostalgia tells me that Kennedy has completely lost the plot.

If that Deathstar wreck is from the 4th Deathstar - they will be howls of laughter.

I have a friend who is a Star Wars geek and loves all things Star Wars just reduced to apathy and does not care anymore. Its quite sad.
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Re: General Film News

Post by Wrathbone » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:05 pm

Maybe wait to see it before condemning it?

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Re: General Film News

Post by Achtung Englander » Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:45 am

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Re: General Film News

Post by Raid » Sun Apr 14, 2019 10:43 am

Much as I'm excited for the new film, I can't say that has anything to do with what happened in the previous one. I pretty much gave up on this franchise giving us anything new and interesting (at least at the cinema), and I'm happily just accepting the fan service.

Bringing back Palpatine could very easily be construed as necessary because the previous two films didn't have an adequate villain. I really like Kylo Ren (I seem to be in the minority with that), but he's too personable, too close to the heroes; they'd struggle to stick him into the same role the Emperor filled, and they no longer have Snoke.

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Re: General Film News

Post by The Jackal » Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:20 pm

Achtung Englander wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:39 pm
JJ Abrams is giving a big FUCK YOU to Rian Johnson and I would not be surprised in the least if everything in The Last Jedi was ditched. Johnson did not reach out to Abrams so Abrams most likely stuck to his trilogy outline and reworked Palpatine as Snoke and Ray is a Skywalker, reversing the "lie" that she is a nobody. This entire trilogy is so disjointed I have almost lost all interest in Star Wars now. I thought the prequels were bad because of shit CGI, this sucks because you can see a premise of a promising trilogy systematically fucked because Kathleen Kennedy is confused as fuck as to what this legacy means to its fans and instead of thrashing out an arc of a storyline and sticking to it, she gave free reign to Johnson (for what must be a mad decision) and than scrambling a plot to salvage this trilogy. The idea that the past is dead and must be "killed" to then constantly bring back old faces and even conjure up dead characters for nostalgia tells me that Kennedy has completely lost the plot.

If that Deathstar wreck is from the 4th Deathstar - they will be howls of laughter.

I have a friend who is a Star Wars geek and loves all things Star Wars just reduced to apathy and does not care anymore. Its quite sad.

This is exactly how I feel about the new films. Nothing I've seen of the Disney-era stuff has changed my mind. At all.

We're in an era of reboots written by fanboys wanting THEIR version to be THE version, paid for by studios that can't care either way as long as the fanbase buys some merch as well as a ticket.

Fuck 'em. If you told even 20-year old me that there will come new Star Wars films and they bear no relation to anything you were actually expecting to see in a New Star Wars Film, it'd be heartbreaking.
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Re: General Film News

Post by Wrathbone » Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:39 pm

The Jackal wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:20 pm
Fuck 'em. If you told even 20-year old me that there will come new Star Wars films and they bear no relation to anything you were actually expecting to see in a New Star Wars Film, it'd be heartbreaking.
Sorry, but this is what drives me crazy about the increasingly toxic Star Wars fandom these days. Fair enough if you don’t like the films, but when you start judging them based on what you expect them to be rather than what they are, you’re never going to be satisfied. The amount of people I’ve seen complaining purely because episodes 7 and 8 didn’t follow suit with their own vision for the franchise is maddening. There are legitimate issues, of course, but the undue hatred towards the new films is borderline hysteria.

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Re: General Film News

Post by Achtung Englander » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:34 pm

to me it is not "they did not make the film I wanted to see" its more "you had the golden goose of IP and this is the best you can do !"

You have to admit this trilogy is a bit of a mess with so much wasted time spent on scenes that went nowhere, added nothing or emphasized modern day political anxieties that just jars.
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Re: General Film News

Post by Wrathbone » Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:56 pm

I don't admit that at all. As I said, there are issues but on the whole I think they do far more right than wrong. And I completely reject the "political anxieties" argument.

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Re: General Film News

Post by The Jackal » Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:12 pm

What AE said. There was already an accepted train of chronology both before and after EpVI when the prequels came out - they fucked with the pre-films story but no one was fussed with that provided we got to see the New Republic and maybe Thrawn or- NOPE.

There's "this wasn't what I hoped for" in terms of LOTR, say (not that I had hopes, I was reading the books to pre-empt the films), and there's "this isn't what I hoped for" with a beloved film trilogy and a cartload of expanded-universe you've grown up with and (maybe not all of it ¬_¬) loved, that's been fucked off to make room for what some hired director thinks will please the studio at that particular time.

Don't tar me with the Toxic Fandom brush, the people knocking the mere inclusion of women into the main cast are a fucking lot worse than I am. Don't bandy terms about.
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Re: General Film News

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Apr 15, 2019 7:58 am

Putting the EU material aside was the smartest decision they could have made in their situation. With a bunch as testy as Star Wars fans, adaptation of existing material was far riskier than creative freedom. Can you imagine the fury if Thrawn was done even slightly wrong, or if Mara Jade was cast by someone the fans didn’t accept for whatever silly reason they concocted? Plus there’s a magic to not knowing what comes next that we would have been robbed of. It was the right choice.

Regardless of whether you agree with that decision, slamming the films because they don’t adhere to the EU makes no sense. Again, judge them for what they are, not for what you wanted them to be.

And while I’m not necessarily tarring you with the toxic fandom brush, I’m not limiting that brush to only the misogynists and racists among the fans. There are those who would now see Star Wars burn for less sinister but still ridiculous reasons.

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Re: General Film News

Post by Achtung Englander » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:36 am

there is a possibility, how small, that a lot of the "socially correct" films that star women cast only are actually....crap and that to the misfortune of these woman, this was their breakout into popular franchise and the script and the film failed them resulting with a backlash. I would argue that if these films starred men, the backlash would be the same. Alien starred a woman and it is brilliant and created a huge man following. The Terminator starred a woman and created a huge man following. Mad Max Fury Road starred a woman and, although not my cup of tea, created a huge man following. Silence Of The Lambs and Fargo and so on. What all these films had in common is that they are good

To me the new Star Wars trilogy is failing is not because of Rey (I'll come on that later) or the other cast of new actors, it is because they are not as good as they could be. What is wrong in seeing Luke, Han and Leia and Chewy all together with the new crew fighting in some sort of Galatic civil war left behind in the political vacuum when the Empire collapsed. Rehashing the Empire for all intense and purpose, blowing up the 3rd Deathstar, and following the same beats of A New Hope is not great but Abrams was made to look good because the Prequels were pretty dreadful. To then use all that world building and then piss it against the wall in The Last Jedi because Kennedy is all for "be creative, do your own thing" and handing it to a director who reveals in pulling the rug under your feet when making the second (and some would say the most important) second film of a 3 film saga is playing with fire. Johnson broke Star Wars because what he put in there made no sense from a cinematic pov, like how gravity works, how the ships fly in this galaxy (running of fuel apparently makes them stop and "fall down" :roll: - idiot), space bombers that go really really slow for some reason and have their payload at the bottom of the ship - again with the gravity and how big cruisers that can go at light speed can be out-chased by smaller ships (what ??) and misinterpreting the character of Luke so much so that even Hamill admitted he had to make do with a huge mistake but he had to follow orders. He did not follow the story arc because Kennedy was not keeping a tight reign on how the story developed. It was "do your own thing" which makes zero sense.

To some extent I also blame Abrams. The Force we are told, right from Ep 1, is something you need to learn. Some people are gifted it but that does not make them a master automatically, they need to learn. Then Rey turns up, out of nowhere, and picks it up so fast, with no lessons, teacher or mentor and becomes powerful enough to combat Kylo Ren, who was taught the craft by the master Luke Skywalker who in turn was taught by the master Yoda. Even Mozart, Da Vinci and Michelangelo leaned their craft. The only person who is a genius that came from nowhere is Einstein and he devised his general theory of relativity after years and years of research and study. Rey makes no fucking sense. Even Anakin, the most powerful Jedi/Sith ever had to learn. Actually we watched 2 films on how he hated classes. :lol: No-one ever is born a genius or is a master of something because..because. All the geniuses that lived on this planet had teachers who inspired them and drove them to be the best. Who taught Rey the Jedi mind trick or force pull. No one. It just came to her. That is what is pissing off people. Disney is fast tracking a Jedi because it needs to. To sell toys.

For some passionate fans Star Wars defined their childhood and they want the best for this franchise for future generations, to enjoy something special, as opposed to it being a money machine that Disney favours. Just churning any old shite, so long as it makes money.

WB, if you are happy with the new trilogy, that is great, you do you, but you have to understand most fans are getting disillusioned by this new trilogy for a reason. For most it is all to do with plot, a lack of a narrative arc, killing off beloved characters because...meh..and to show us something new but that also makes sense. Actually I am for Ren killing Han if that drove the plot forward but it kind of didn't. I don't know - lets see what the 3rd film brings.

At the end of the day it is just entertainment so it does not really matter, but when you switch on the news and you see the world going to shit, it would be nice if your entertainment did not let you down as well. Bring on Game Of Thrones......
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Re: General Film News

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:31 am

Achtung Englander wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:36 am
WB, if you are happy with the new trilogy, that is great, you do you, but you have to understand most fans are getting disillusioned by this new trilogy for a reason. For most it is all to do with plot, a lack of a narrative arc, killing off beloved characters because...meh..and to show us something new but that also makes sense. Actually I am for Ren killing Han if that drove the plot forward but it kind of didn't. I don't know - lets see what the 3rd film brings.
No, I get that, I just think many of the reasons posited as criticisms are nonsense and, in some cases, demonstrably wrong.

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