The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Nov 11, 2019 3:21 pm

No problem.

[adds even more traps] ;)

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:13 am

I can do Wednesday or Thursday this week (preferably Thursday).

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Sly Boots » Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:24 am

Pretty sure those are fine for me.

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Mantis » Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:12 pm

Either should be okay for me.

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Raid » Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:40 pm

Yup, I'm good with either.

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Nov 18, 2019 9:03 pm

Nice one, we’ll go with Thursday then.

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Sly Boots » Thu Nov 21, 2019 3:44 pm

All still good for tonight?

I can feel something stirring in the Underdark :o

(which is what I call my pants)

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Wrathbone » Thu Nov 21, 2019 3:47 pm

Yep, all set.

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Mantis » Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:07 pm

I'm pretty sick at the moment but reckon I can stomach a good old fashioned dungeon crawl.

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Raid » Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:20 pm

Yep, I'll be there.

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Mantis » Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:18 pm

Never again will this happen.


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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Sly Boots » Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:07 pm

While I won't say that tonight went as well as it possibly could have done, I will say that everything that happened was the most typically Unmentionables way of resolving a situation :lol:

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Wrathbone » Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:19 pm

It’s a sign of restraint that there was the possibility of unleashing a terrible lich upon the world and you’ve not yet done so. This is progress! :lol:

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Wrathbone » Fri Nov 22, 2019 4:29 pm

The Unmentionables crept into the crypt, ready for trouble from whatever lay within (or, as usual, trouble of their own making). They made their way past rows of stone coffins into a corridor with a silver motif of an arrow or possibly a lightning bolt inlaid in the floor. At the end of the corridor stood a table with a bottle of wine conspicuously placed upon it. After some investigation, they discovered the table was a pressure plate which most likely would trigger a trap. With most of the party stood away from potential danger, Slythe loosed an arrow at the bottle, sending it flying off the table and triggering the trap, which fired a lightning bolt at the nearest victim: Charr. Literally faster than lightning, however, Charr safely ducked behind a wall. Sage gathered up the wine bottle, but in doing so found himself momentarily filled with bloodlust. He suppressed the strange burst of emotion and quickly shoved the bottle into the bag of holding.

Further into the catacombs, the party found a giant compass engraved into the foor with receptacles at each of the major points: North, South, East and West. Unsure as to its purpose, they pressed on into a library where they found various books on necromancy and liches, along with an ancient diary of a wizard named Vexius who had apparently attempted to become a lich. The diary also contained riddles which seemed to indicate four items to be placed in the four receptacles of the compass. One of the items they deduced they had already found: the wine bottle. Another lay on the floor beside the diary: an hourglass. As they picked up the hourglass, yellow eyes suddenly lit up from the corners of the room and two mummified creatures emerged from the darkness. The shambling creatures were brought to a swift and fiery demise.

In one corner of the library stood a stone door with a hand engraved on it along with a message: "I open to the wizard's hand alone." While the others pondered finding the wizard Vexius and either removing his hand or miraculously convincing him to high-five the door, Charr casually cast Mage Hand and raised it to the imprint. The door displayed a new engraved message, "Take only that which can be dealt", and then opened with a rumble. Inside, the party found a table piled with treasure, which they sensibly decided not to loot as per the warning. Searching through the pile of jewels and gold, they found a deck of cards. Charr attempted to pick them up, but found himself engulfed with terror and compelled to drop them immediately and back off. Sage then picked them up and managed to suppress the onslaught of fear, and after inspecting them made a startling discovery. This was no ordinary pack of cards, but the Deck of Many Things - an artefact of gargantuan potential powers, some of them great boons, some of them unfathomable terrors. In a surprising display of wisdom, the party decided not to force Hamfist to draw a card and possibly irreparably warp the boundaries of reality.

In a bout of greed-driven lunacy more true to form, the party ordered Hamfist to try stealing some of the other treasure. Not one for questions, Hamfist dutifully thrust his arms into the treasure and grabbed all the treasure he could. With disheartening inevitability, the door slammed shut and poison gas seeped up from gaps in the floor. Sage quickly cast Dimension Door to take himself and Charr safely back to the library, leaving Slythe and Hamfist to choke up blood as they attempted to open the door. Unfortunately it was no longer responsive to Mage Hand, and so the party resorted to demolishing the door from both sides, culminating with Charr burning away the gas (and Hamfist's eyebrows) in a flash of fire. The party took a moment to gather themselves before returning, naturally, to steal the rest of the treasure.

The party continued past the library to a chamber bearing a lone sarcophagus, a dais with an emerald on it and the ghost of a woman lamenting Vexius. The party cautiously spoke to the ghost and learned that Vexius had not been successful in becoming a lich, but the ritual could still be completed. She promised that if the party helped raise him to his true form, Vexius would reward them with nothing less than their own kingdoms once Vexius had conquered them. Being strangers to neither deceit nor the instigation of world-changing peril, the Unmentionables provisionally agreed to the proposal and took the emerald (ready to be empowered with the final portion of Vexius's shattered soul) and the ring from the ghost's finger - the final item of the riddles. The ghost explained that the compass had many purposes, but Vexius's favourite one was to activate and deactivate his torture chamber, subjecting his followers to the agony of his whims.

The Unmentionables returned to the compass and placed the items in the receptacles as per the riddles, and heard the grinding of stone on metal back in the direction of the entrance to the catacombs. They hurried back there to find an open-faced torture chamber at the end of a hall, with its prison bars receded into the stone. Amidst the dried blood and scorch marks was a wretched creature on its knees, grey-skinned, sallow and clearly pained. As it rose, the party was filled with recognition and horror as they realised this was the corpse of Sir Carac, undead and filled with rage. The once-noble paladin growled that the vampire who had slain him was not truly dead, and that vengeance had awoken him and led him like a beacon to the creature's lair. He swore that the creature would be destroyed permanently, and he angrily accepted the party's offer of assistance, remembering that it was they who had unleashed the creature on the world in the first place. The Unmentionables thus followed the ruined form of Sir Carac down the stairs into the darkness where Leopold Von Netrecht was growing stronger by the hour...

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Re: The return of the D&D campaign: This time it's potatoes

Post by Sly Boots » Fri Nov 22, 2019 7:28 pm

Wrathbone wrote:
Fri Nov 22, 2019 4:29 pm
In a bout of greed-driven lunacy more true to form, the party ordered Hamfist to try stealing some of the other treasure. Not one for questions, Hamfist dutifully thrust his arms into the treasure and grabbed all the treasure he could. With disheartening inevitability, the door slammed shut and poison gas seeped up from gaps in the floor. Sage quickly cast Dimension Door to take himself and Charr safely back to the library, leaving Slythe and Hamfist to choke up blood as they attempted to open the door. Unfortunately it was no longer responsive to Mage Hand, and so the party resorted to demolishing the door from both sides, culminating with Charr burning away the gas (and Hamfist's eyebrows) in a flash of fire. The party took a moment to gather themselves before returning, naturally, to steal the rest of the treasure.


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