Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Raid » Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:39 pm

That functionality does exist with the One X too, I've used it myself. It's not particularly user friendly as you have to go into the console's sound settings and switch the output.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Alan » Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:39 pm

I think it only worked with the second gen Xbox one controller with any XOne but it was buggy as shit in my experience. Sometimes it would cut out, sometimes it would play through the TV and headphones randomly etc.. Always worked fine on PS4 though and it was by far my favorite thing last gen brought to the table.
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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Animalmother » Wed Mar 31, 2021 9:41 am

Well now the sound plays through the headphones and the TV at the same time and I can't work out why. Only solution is to mute the TV which is silly. Also the controller still requires batteries while the PS has been rechargeable since the PS3, ridiculous.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Alan » Wed Mar 31, 2021 10:00 am

Guess they didnt fix it then :lol: Woke the GF up one night since I didnt realise it was blaring out the telly because of my big headphones. The controller battery thing, I think if MS just included an AA shaped rechargeable pack with the controller it would the best compromise rather than selling one with a healthy knockup separately. Alternatively the sony way but have the battery in a cartridge slot on the controller like a camera battery or an old N64 rumble pack because sealed in batteries can be a pain in later years.
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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Alan » Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:44 am

So I made a folder on my PS4 of 12 games to play before I would let myself get a next/current gen console. I finished one of them and bought a Series X :lol: I would rather a PS5 but its just so damn ugly and I'd like the question of pad durability to be answered/fixed too.

First impressions.... ehhhhh... its fine, I guess. My heart sank when I powered it on and was greeted with the awful XBox One dashboard which really makes this feel like its just another One rather than a new generation. Theres not even any real tweaks to the godawful dashboard. Its clearly a step up from the One but it feels incremental and MS having no real "next gen" titles just reinforces that feeling also the gamepass version of Control being *only* the XOne version is very annoying! Ive spent more time playing Dead Space than anything else. Loading times sure are nice when they are optimised but on some things (Destiny, I'm looking at you!) they still take an age. I'm a little confused as to what difference running from an external HDD makes, I gather they run the XOne version of the game but if its not a ray tracing thing is the difference only going to be loading times? :-k I feel like I wasted £450 but I kind of knew I'd feel that way so it was daft to buy it in the first place.

Retroarch installed and setup of course because I cant resist that even though I already have it on a Pi and a PS3 under my telly buy hay ho! Its definitely a neat thing but I do wish they would find a way to not require a hard reboot to switch to devmode but it'll be a security thing.
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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Animalmother » Sun Apr 11, 2021 9:46 am

I think it's s matter of getting used to it. I find mine a huge improvement over the 1X regarding pretty much everything. It's practically silent, starts up in seconds, load times are really quick and games that chugged a bit now run without any issues. The UI is unfortunately the same shit they've been using for ages now and lack of a rechargeable controller are my main annoyances. Also my mate who got his the same day as me had to lie his on its side or the CD drive wouldn't work. And the controller also fucking eats batteries like there's no tomorrow...

I'm very happy with mine so far, bar the above mentioned quibbles. More games that use the RTX function would be nice and some new games would be even better. Game Pass is what makes it worth the money. They even added GTA 5 yesterday if your in to that.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by DjchunKfunK » Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:01 am

The UI is unfortunately the same shit they've been using for ages now and lack of a rechargeable controller are my main annoyances. Also my mate who got his the same day as me had to lie his on its side or the CD drive wouldn't work. And the controller also fucking eats batteries like there's no tomorrow...
I'd rather be able to put my own batteries in than have a situation whereby a controller lasts for about 3 hours before it needs charging. I have an Xbox Series X controller for my PC and have found the battery life to be pretty good. The eneloops I have in them last for a good while before needing to be recharged.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Rossell » Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:31 pm

I must admit I like the rechargeable controllers with playstation. It does get annoying having to plug it in when it needs charging but gey a long enough cable and you're fine.

I've not had an Xbox so can't comment on what it's like to live with batteries though in my mind I don't like the idea.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Alan » Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:33 am

I bought one of those series 2 elite controllers and it comes with a little wedge that can be used to charge it when it’s in the case or it can be removed and be a nice unobtrusive dock to sit your controller on and charge it. It’s actually my favourite thing about the thing and I think all controllers should come with that instead of neededing any kind of wire. It’s a 3cm square of plastic with a couple of contacts in it and a usbc port, it can’t cost much to include that in the box. That or Qi charging.

To counter that nice thing they’ve stopped using the nice rubber wing grips of the series 1 elite and instead the wings are now an almost sandpaper textured plastic which is not very nice in the hand. I gather there was a problem with the rubber coming off the S1 but it would have been nice if they engineered a fix rather than the sandpaper.
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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Animalmother » Tue Apr 13, 2021 9:58 pm

Just got Cyberpunk for the Xbox and Ghosts of Tsushima for the PS for €65 (together) from Smyth's Toys. Cost in UK is £65, still a pretty good deal for Ghosts alone.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Asherons » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:29 pm

im still on the lookout for a PS5, haven't been able to procure one yet.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Alan » Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:24 pm

https://www.cnet.com/news/sony-ps5-now- ... -npd-says/

Wasn’t expecting that with the apparent chip shortages. I was actually expecting MS to use their clout to out produce them and sell more.
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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Raid » Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:37 pm

Perhaps a larger proportion of the global stock was allocated to the US. I'm dimly aware that they've been difficult to acquire in the UK.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Mantis » Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:12 pm

I'm sure it's the same in the US. Fast selling doesn't mean they aren't all being bought up by scalpers.

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Re: Who is going to bite the bullet and get a next gen console?

Post by Alan » Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:47 am

So how’s download speeds on folks Series consoles? Mine are pretty shit topping out around 35mbps and much slower than I would get on PS4. There’s no restrictions that I can see and speed test on the console shows my actual speed. Something seems amiss :-k

My connection is 200mbps.
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