So, as far as rules are concerned, the game is very simple: you can do whatever actions you like, and some of the actions will require a d20 check, which will test either your
Presence (which is your overall mental focus) and
Toughness. All tests are done on d20s, and most of the time the target number (DR) is 12+, though certain conditions will increase or lower that, such as a monster being unusually quick, or your armour weighing you down.
For example, you might say: "I want to sneak across the room."
I would say: "Test Agility...normally DR12, but you're wearing plate-mail, so it's DR16!"
Omens work like this:
1. Each day, you roll new ones: d2 (or d4 in some cases).
2. Omens allow you to:
- re-roll any dice (even your friends')
- do maximum damage with a weapon
- lower damage dealt to you by d6
- lower a test's target number by -4
- neutralise the effects of a critical hit or a fumble
Powers work like this:
1. Each day, you roll new ones: d4 + your Presence score
2. Powers allow you to cast the spells found on
Scrolls that you have in your possession.
3. You roll a D20 to cast a spell, and again it's normally DR12 to succeed.
4. If you roll a 1, it's a fumble, you read the spell wrong and you cause an ARCANE CATASTROPHE!
5. If you run out of daily Powers, you can no longer cast a spell that day.
COMBAT works like this:
1. Each round, there's initiative, to see who goes first.
2. Combatants take their turns in initiative order.
3. If it is their turn PCs may:
- attack with a melee weapon, testing Strength (DR12, usually) to hit.
- attack with a ranged weapon, testing Presence (DR12, usually) to hit.
- cast a spell on a scroll, testing Presence (DR12) to succeed.
- perform any other action, testing whatever relevant ability required
4. If it is a monster's turn, PCs test Agility (DR12, usually) to avoid/parry the attack.
5. If an attack hits, damage is rolled and armour is deducted.