(you might want to edit that messed up quote)
GDTS hears a strange, desperate gurgle from up above, then, a second or two later, a solid
thud as some dark shape collapses atop the holes, just next to his finger, blotting out some of the shafts of faint light.
The tittering is replaced by a loud and angry chittering and stomping of tiny feet.
Meanwhile, at the other end of the tunnel, Fechr, his fanged face smeared like camouflage with layers of grime and soot, is the first to emerge out of the tunnel mouth, poking his head through a round hole in the centre of a large circular chamber. He looks all about, taking in the scene...
- The chamber is brightly lit by four torches, burning away in iron wall-sconces, spaced evenly apart around the walls on its north-east and south-east quarters.
- The ceiling of the chamber is decorated with an incredible mosaic design, portraying a great battle scene from a former age. The battle appears to be an absolute slaughter: a carnage unlike any other. There does not appear to be a victor, for the dead outnumber the living, and those that remain alive appear as if they are about to join their fallen brethren. You do not know if the event depicted is historical, mythological, or merely symbolic.
- There are four corridors leading out of this room; to the north, south, east and west.
- The northern corridor appears to be clear, and leads off toward another room.
- The eastern corridor has a rusty floor grate, from which protrude what look like giant spider's legs! It also leads off toward another room.
- The southern corridor appears to descend down a flight of stairs, then—inexplicably—another flight of stairs leads up back to the same level again, and into another room.
- The western corridor is jam-packed with bones! Bones that are ON FIRE! A raging fire that makes access to this corridor impossible. The smoke from the fire appears to be being funnelled through a steel pipe in the northern wall of the western corridor.
- The circular chamber is inhabited! A crazed, toothless hag, with long unkempt hair and threadbare rags, is throwing human bones that she finds scattered over the flagstones, onto the fire in the western corridor, willy-nilly! She howls and cackles incoherently as she does so. She has not yet noticed Fecher's head peering up out of the hole in the floor.