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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Raid » Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:59 am

Should probably mention I have a 5120x1440 resolution display as well so that's almost 4k too.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Snowy » Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:36 am

I am glad that it has lived up to expectations, know how much you have been looking forward to it :)
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Wrathbone » Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:19 pm

Just given the Tomb Raider 1-3 remasters a go. It's a nice graphical upgrade - faithful to the original, looking like how I remember it rather than what it was actually like. The only other notable change is the addition of a modern control system, which sadly is unusable in its current state, as it doesn't allow for certain basic moves like backstep or backflip, and the camera is woeful. If you get into a cramped area like a tunnel, the camera spirals manically or makes it impossible to see what's going on. I've reverted back to the old tank controls, which are a pain in the arse but make it possible to actually play the game (and don't have the camera issue).

It could have used some simple quality of life improvements too, such as a quicksave system or better menus than the tiresome 3D spirals. Maybe a quickslot system for healing and weapons. There aren't even any graphics options - I mean, I probably wouldn't change much anyway, but it'd be nice to actually be given the option.

All told, for £20 you get three great classic games* that look nicer than they used to, and that's it. It's not entirely unfair at the price, but it's a disappointing, half-arsed mess compared to what it could have been.

* Well, two great games and one mediocre game. ¬_¬

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by DjchunKfunK » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:43 am

Elex II

Thought I would boot this up as I have been hankering for a RPG in this kind of style, so far it's been a bit disappointing. I really enjoyed the first game, I thought the interplay between the various factions was interesting and the story was fairly well told. This time they are kind of treading a lot of the same ground whilst throwing in the plot from Mass Effect 3. A new threat has arrived which threatens to take over the world but the factions are too busy fighting each other, so it is your job to build-up a new faction and unite all the other factions around it. You can recruit people to help you and have to build up the base of this new faction. Everyone appears to have mostly forgotten about the main character and the fact he saved the world so you are basically back to square one in terms of relationships with the factions which is why it feels like it is treading a lot of the same ground as the first game.

Similar to Elex the start is pretty rough as you can easily run into monsters that are very powerful, this is something I quite liked about the first game so I don't mind that it returns. They have tried to improve combat by making it even more Dark Souls than in the first game which hasn't really worked. You have a stamina bar as do enemies and when you deplete theirs they are knocked down for a short while allowing you to get extra hits in. You can parry to instantly knock enemies down but most of them have an annoying delay between when their attack animation starts and they actually attack making parrying feel like a crap shoot. I think they might have change the combat to make melee seem more viable as in the previous game ranged was the way to go and right now I really want to be able to use a gun again.

The AI for enemies is rather poor which can turn fights into a right mess if there are changes in elevation or obstacles that the enemies can get stuck on. As everything is faction based you can still lead enemies into each other and watch them fight which is fun.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Maturin » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:56 am

Wrathbone wrote:
Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:19 pm
* Well, two great games and one mediocre game. ¬_¬
Yeah, TR2 always was a tad overrated.

I'm thinking of giving this a go. I might wait for a few patches and updates first. I'm seeing a few reports of graphical issues affecting the gameplay, but in theory it sounds great.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by DjchunKfunK » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:56 am


I've been waiting for this poker based roguelike for a while as I really enjoyed the demo. Ended up playing for a few hours last night and really enjoyed it. First run I managed to get a win but subsequent ones didn't quite work out as I struggle to build synergies into the deck. It's going to take a bit to learn which cards are good early and what you need to prioritise. I like that there has been an influx of new stuff since the demo and that flushes don't seem as much of a go-to as they were in the demo.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Sly Boots » Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:58 pm

DjchunKfunK wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:56 am

I've been waiting for this poker based roguelike for a while as I really enjoyed the demo. Ended up playing for a few hours last night and really enjoyed it. First run I managed to get a win but subsequent ones didn't quite work out as I struggle to build synergies into the deck. It's going to take a bit to learn which cards are good early and what you need to prioritise. I like that there has been an influx of new stuff since the demo and that flushes don't seem as much of a go-to as they were in the demo.

Me this morning: I don't really get what this is, I'm not sure about it

Me this afternoon: Ah, well, I guess I'll give it a go, I can always refund if it doesn't gel with me...

Me tonight: *blearily* What, it's tomorrow already?!


Yeah, I like this :)

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Rusty » Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:46 am


On Steam, I saw someone playing on Youtube and thought I'd give a go. It was quite cheap. I've already put 40 or 50 hours into it (and this is after buying Helldivers 2 :0 :) )
It's a typical roguelike(lite?) but it has a wand swap thing like Noita (if anyone played that). It's an absolute blast trying to find random ways to organise spells to totally wreck the game :)
I've found one or two that makes it render less than a frame a second whilst it tries to work out all my projectiles :)
Very moreish
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Animalmother » Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:12 pm

Dead Island 2
Just arrived on Xbox Game Pass, gave it a punt for a few hours. First off it's very pretty, everything is highly detailed and most of the building interiors are almost photo realistic. The damage you inflict on the undead is graphic to say the least, eye balls pop out, brains wobble around cracked skulls and jaw bones go flying. You come across scenes of carnage that are almost unsettling at times.

The gameplay itself is less enthusiastic for me. Zombies seem to be able to hit you from stupid distances and do massive damage with a limp wristed swing. The cunts don't go down easy and often get a sneaky hit in taking half your health with it. You have to constantly dodge and backstep which gets irritating (for me anyway). There's some card system (because of course there is..) but I've paid not much attention to it. Too many stop and listen to this person talk for minutes then move on. In fairness I'm still in the early stages so it's hand holding and story explaining.

Hopefully once it opens up a bit I can get zombie demolishing with wild abandon.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Wrathbone » Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:42 pm

Dark Forces Remastered

To say Dark Forces was a formative game for me is an understatement, as it was my first ever contact with Star Wars. I played it to death for a couple of years as a kid, and then Jedi Knight was released and I think I played Dark Forces maybe one more time after that, mainly because it didn’t have lightsabers.

Playing Night Dive’s remaster is a blaster from the past, reminding me at every step why it had such an impact in 1995. It’s old school, it’s infuriating at times, it makes no attempt to explain what you’re supposed to be doing other than shooting everyone in sight. It’s bloody fantastic. It’s one of the most Star Wars things ever made other than the original Star Wars trilogy, born of a pre-prequel time when stormtroopers hated rebel scum and couldn’t shoot a barn door, and every corridor’s decor was somehow unmistakably Star Wars. I have nothing against the prequels (or the sequels), but Star Wars back then had a different energy, and Dark Forces radiates it.

The remaster itself is excellent and simple, making it look nicer without really changing anything. It doesn’t even use 3D enemies, sticking with sprites that rotate as you move around them. It’s faithful to a degree that will likely be alarming and confusing to modern audiences who’ve never played a proper 90s shooter before. It doesn’t have a mid-level save option, which was jarring until I remembered that you get lives per level that respawn you nearby without losing progress. It still works well and adds some tension to the more relentless moments. The controls are much improved, with gamepad support and better mouse/keyboard options.

I can’t fault it. It’s Dark Forces as I remember it and I’m enjoying it as much now as I did 29 years ago.


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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Rusty » Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:55 pm

i seem to remember some horrid mazelike areas that were hard to navigate but yes, a very good game.
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Sly Boots » Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:55 pm

Glad they've done a proper job with the remaster, however it's not one I ever played way back when so without that nostalgia think I'll skip it... that said, if they ever remaster Jedi Knight I'll be all over that!

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Raid » Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:56 pm

I watched a little bit of Ian Higton playing it earlier, and it looked like an incredible remaster. Faithful in all of the ways that matter but with new 4K textures and sprites (none of it looks up-resed). It's exactly what I'd want from a remaster. I'll probably pick it up at some point too because, while maybe not as formative as TIE Fighter for me, was just as memorable, and among the games that gave me a life-long love of the franchise.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Wrathbone » Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:01 pm

Rusty wrote:
Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:55 pm
i seem to remember some horrid mazelike areas that were hard to navigate
Oh god yes, I’ve had a couple of moments where I couldn’t remember where the hell I was supposed to go, but eventually I muddled through. The level design veers between superb and bizarrely unhelpful. I love it though, warts and all.
Sly Boots wrote:
Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:55 pm
Glad they've done a proper job with the remaster, however it's not one I ever played way back when so without that nostalgia think I'll skip it
I think that’s a wise choice, as it’s a very tough sell to anyone who didn’t play it back in the 90s. I do think it remains a great classic FPS and the story, while simple, was good enough to be stolen piecemeal by Rogue One and The Mandalorian, but I’ll be the first to admit that nostalgia is doing some heavy lifting. ;)
Raid wrote:
Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:56 pm
I'll probably pick it up at some point too because, while maybe not as formative as TIE Fighter for me, was just as memorable, and among the games that gave me a life-long love of the franchise.
I would walk through fire for a TIE Fighter remaster. While Dark Forces was my first experience of Star Wars, TIE Fighter was undoubtedly the best Star Wars game back then (and arguably still is the best in many respects).

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Raid » Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:28 am

Wrathbone wrote:
Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:01 pm
I would walk through fire for a TIE Fighter remaster. While Dark Forces was my first experience of Star Wars, TIE Fighter was undoubtedly the best Star Wars game back then (and arguably still is the best in many respects).
Same. The fans did a good job with the remaster / remake that's been released over the last few years, but it's built on the creaking bones of the X-Wing Alliance engine, albeit with source-code improvements. That they managed to shoe-horn VR support into an engine that predates VR by about 18 years is incredible, but their ambition exceeded the engine's capabilities and it's borderline unplayable. Sadly I don't think a studio-released TIE Fighter remake will ever happen; it would require too much of a redesign to work on a gamepad, and nobody has joysticks anymore.

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