Can't believe I missed the Star Scoundrel class! I went in trying to role-play as Han Solo (creating the most generic videogame white bloke in the character creator in the process
), and ended up choosing the Space Trucker class as the closest I thought I could get... which while technically correct feels a bit understated.
I have to say though, one thing I'm not a massive fan of is locking essential skills behind perk points, stuff like sneaking and lockpicking in particular... at level 7 and probably a dozen hours into the game I'm only now feeling comfortable playing with my traditional Beth playstyle, and I still haven't felt able to put anything into the combat tree
Despite that, I did feel a bit of a badass taking down a level 10 terrormorph immediately after the tutorial 'dungeon' when I was still only level 2
I do prefer the normal ES system of being able to do everything at the start even if you're absolutely crap at it until you've been doing it a while.