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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Achtung Englander » Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:15 am

After watching Chernobyl I decided to fire up STALKER Shadow Of Chernobyl for my 3rd playthrough. That game looks dates and plays janky as hell but by god it is a brilliant game. Playing in almost vanilla with the Oblivion Lost mod I decided to play for 20 min last night. Ended up playing for 2.5 hours.

The firefights and inventory management is brilliant. I cannot wait for STALKER 2.
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by DjchunKfunK » Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:06 am

Borderlands 2: New DLC

I forget the name of this 'Lilith saves Sanctuary' or something, the main thing is that its a nice bit of free DLC for Borderlands 2 that bridges the story between 2 and 3 and brings in a bits from Tales from the Borderlands. It's a fairly substantial expansion with new areas and enemies and I think it gives you a bit of an idea what 3 will look like, as they have added a bit more colour and some vegetation. They have also changed up the boss fights a bit and they feel more interesting than those in the base game.

Playing Borderlands 2 again has reminded me how good the feel of the combat is, the way enemies explode in a hail of loot an gibs when you get a headshot is really satisfying and in general for a game made in 2012 the reactions to being hit is pretty good, AI is still rather basic though.

Overall I have had quite a bit of fun with this and it has made me more interested in Borderlands 3, so I guess it served it's purpose.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Animalmother » Mon Jun 17, 2019 5:48 pm

Keeping to the Russian apocalypse vibe I started playing Metro Exodus. Pretty good so far, actually very similar to previous games. One thing that is badly done is the dialogue with npc's, they all just talk at once and several conversations are happening at the same time, so I just stopped listening.
I was going to go for a non kill play through but that went out the window pretty quick.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Alan » Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:14 am

Tried Minion Masters and I have no idea why anyone would play this in a world Clash Royale exists :p

Finished Deadbolt, it never gets massively hard but I quite enjoyed it. May go back in the future to go through again on a harder difficulty.

Pottering around in Heat Signature now its its quite good fun. A bit repetitive but fun all the same. My favorite mission so far is one that starts you in space, sans ship, with no oxygen and just a shotgun which you have to use to propel yourself towards your target and hijack it.

Also more FTL because that game is still one of the best things in years. I wish I knew how many hours Ive whittled away in it. Which led to more Into The Breach which is also bloody fantastic.

edit:FTL 46hours on PC, easily multiples of that on ipad.
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Abs_McBain » Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:16 pm

By Jove! So many games, so little time. BUT I will push on and get some gaming in. Got through the main story in Ace Attorney 6, and now onto the DLC chapters. Its been almost five years since I started the series, but i'm almost - ah shit. There's the two spin-off games to try out, featuring a steampunk Sherlock Holmes!
The first one's been fully translated and a patch was released for it.

Then there's the Nintendo Switch. Also by Jove too, as it's a fantastic little machine. Put in Super Mario Odyssey and was glued to that for a good while. It's been such a long time since i've played such a brilliant, fun, and happy game!
The final moon is a bitch though, I need to devote an entire weekend for that sucker. What else? Did you know Wasteland 2: Director's Cut was released for the Switch? A tactical CRPG set in a post-apocalyptic West Coast USA made by Brian Fargo running on a handheld? I put the console down and took a step back and see the interface and isometric view and GASP it's mind blowing! Sure, it looks and runs like ass but it gets by, and it's all there! Amazing! So much easier to pick up compared to the original (and by Jovo was that version a tad bit unfair). If Bethesda took the route Sega did with employing community members to help with games, classic Fallout versions on the Switch (and other consoles) would be a no-brainer.
But it seems the higher ups at Bethesda share a total of two brain cells between each other.

Quick! What else?
DUSK. It's a FPS taking inspiration from the Build & Quake engine games...and it seems i've yet to see anyone here who has played it.

Which is odd, because it looks like a game most people here would be willing to have a go at. It's on sale right now on Steam, give it a try you scallywags.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Lee » Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:28 pm

I've been singing high praises for Dusk where have you been :P
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Abs_McBain » Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:45 pm

Absolutely fucking superb! Now lets get more peeps playing Dusk. Duuuu eeeet.
I've also been playing Ace Combat 7. The VR campaign is head throbbingly awesome, and it's a continuation from Ace Combat 4!

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Lee » Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:31 am


Righty I have been stuck into Outward a lot recently. Riding the highs and lows and rage inducing moments from it.

It starts off well with a bit of character creation, you can't do much fine tuning but I think enough has been covered with it. Afterwards you find yourself on a beach with nothing but a torch nearby and a very basic tutorial till you meet your first NPC. Then begins the game when you wake up in the bed and meet Rossia outside and a lot of angry tribe folk over the deaths and money owed that you have 5 days to pay off or lose your home. Now after that you are very much left with no clue what to do or what to expect.

DO THE FRICKING TUTORIAL before starting a new game. I cannot stress that enough. Don't be like me and find it such a slog at the start when it comes to the various stuff :P

So I started out with running around in Chersonese exploring a bit, trying my hand at the combat. Died on the second guy and got captured and sent to a bandit camp that I tried to fight to get back out. Then died but you don't really die you get saved and put in a safe spot sometimes by the mysterious lady. Sometimes without some of your stuff or backpack if you have one. But you do get a free potion to fix your health and stamina levels back up if it's the mysterious lady that I can't recall the name off at the moment. It just becomes the point of you trying to workout then on the map where you are, till you get familiar with the map then you're quickly back to doing what you did. Randomly picking stuff up that I found or looting corpses from mobs attacking each other. You don't chop trees down so have a endless supply of wood at hand. Can do fishing and mining which seems to respawn on the map every 2 days I think.

Learning how to craft stuff is neat in a sort of logical sense, sometimes. Depending on what you're making and what tools at hand. You can select a variety of stuff and go in blind trying out various ingredients and see if it works and unlocks a recipe or you can simple find the scrolls, buy or get them from quest rewards. Now one pain in the ass thing is you have no log book or such to show you what you need to make either food,potions unless you're at the right station and be running back from a nearby chest or where you last left the ingredients to make stuff. Crafting tools/weapons you can see though which is odd. You do have to watch out on what you eat and drink as you can get ill with some side effects of losing % stamina regeneration and coughing, staying out in the rain can do the same. And it takes some time to cure yourself from said ailments unless you use a potion which I find costly at the moment. Having to also watch out your temperature levels when sleeping outside or in the snow. First map does have two seasons I think. Summer and Winter. Barring the cold I don't see the change doing much to how the game plays.

Also having to watch out when sleeping out side that you can be attacked as well as repair any equipment you have on as you jump into bedroll or tent. So balancing repair time, guard time and sleep time to recover durability,health and stamina levels. Stamina goes down the more you swing and then is soft locked by a percentage so you have less till you rest again. Various foods or potions can fix that. Better tents also make the time to rest much shorter but increase your visibility outside as well.

Now what you can carry is finite based on the weight and what sort of backpack you have and what you have in your pockets. Some gear does allow you to hold a bit more in the pockets. But the main thing to remember is if you are dropping your backpack before combat, make sure you put your heals stuff in your pockets or you won't have access to them. I forgot about that the first few times. Handily the backpack does appear on the compass at the top of the screen so it is dead easy to retrieve if your mob decides to do a runner half way across the map while you chase them down. So a bit of balancing between both as either being over will slow your movements down.

You get the same old FedEx quests from certain NPC's. Sometimes they have a bit of voice acting but it's really only the first few words or a sentence out of lines of text. For me the voices do get annoying after a while, maybe be better in the other areas. There is a choice of 3 main story lines paths you can do down with various things being then cut off from you. And some of them are on a timer of a few days like getting the 150 silver to stave off the first tribe taking your home from you, you can fail that and keep on playing. And afterwards up to 20 days for one I just completed which was a utter bitch since I am bad at the combat. Again if you fail you still can keep on playing forward.

The game does have some issues with combat. For instance using arrows your aiming recticle is slightly off that you need to put it slightly to the left of the creature to make sure it hits and this is even with the tab targeting. I've notice that seems to work better for the ranged abilities like the sniper shot. You burn through your stamina though in only a few arrows and need a slight rest to fire again. Doesn't seem to take into affect where you aim on the body for damage, just as long as you hit. Using melee weapons this is where the Dark souls comparison narks me off. It's a lot more rigid and slower I've found and left me knocked out numerous times trying to fight/dodge and this is with me dropping the backpack for maximum maneuverability. Maybe I need more time in it or really to find better equipment (22 hours in so far) I haven't gotten into the magic side much since you don't start with any mana or skills in that category till you do a certain thing. To increase your mana you have to sacrifice both health and stamina for the amount of mana you want. So I have two spells and to be honest I have never even used them for combat. I used Spark for lighting a few fires then quickly went back to using the flint and steel instead just for speed and not needing to assign a ability slot for it. Oh aye you get 8 slots for quickcasts but I have just 2 combat abilities the rest being for eating,drinking,healing and damage reduction bugs.

You can buy skills from trainers in the various city hubs that increase health/mana/stamina or various weapon skills. Sometimes resistance to effects as well.

Graphically the game can look pretty good but I think the models for the humans sort of look misplaced. The clothing and armours helps hide that a bit. Nice wind effect that changes the colours of certain grass area which I find relaxing when running through. The music is so far okay, I think I keep hearing the same song on the first map though that I turned it off.

But one thing that I do find annoying the is the long travel times from place to place. I visited the next area by running from one side of the map to the another doing nothing more than that. I would honestly like some sort of paid transport to do that like in Morrowind even though the maps aren't that big as it. I'll stick on auto run then go and read up stuff on another screen to help pass the time.

At the moment I wouldn't say it is worth the full asking price though. I got it on sale and I think that price is much better for this game. Helps me overlook the slight annoying things for me that would have me pretty narked off :P

Now ends my ramblings, I can never do properly write ups so it's all bit of a mess I know.
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Rusty » Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:47 am

Outward strikes me as a game I'd like to play but possibly, like you, would get too annoyed at it. Slightly too many niggles. I like the way it's open to various tactics, quests can be failed etc just not the grindy 'realistic' bits.
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Stormbringer » Fri Jul 05, 2019 12:12 pm

Well, well. In recent weeks I thought I'd gone off video-gaming for good. I took no joy in playing anything, and even when I had the money to buy some games which were hovering at the edge of my interest sphere, like Unavowed and Thimbleweed Park, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

But then I discovered something on Steam which had completely passed me by in the 90s...


Not only did I have the most fun I've had from a video game in literally years, but I think they've shot right to the top of my favourite game ever list. What surprised me the most was how much more I enjoyed them than Golden Axe. I didn't think the modern, urban setting would appeal, but it sure as heck did! I cannot wait to introduce my sons to this series tonight or tomorrow.
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Medicine Man » Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:20 pm

Streets of Rage is magic! Glad you're enjoying Doug.

It has some sick beats as the kids say too. Jam packed full of bangerz. :D

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by DjchunKfunK » Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:25 pm

Wait until you play the sequel.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Stormbringer » Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:32 pm

I bought all three SoR games at the same time, and I've played all three. The sequel is amazing in terms of graphics, and I love the wrestler character, but I love the first one more I think because you can call in a police car with an RPG for backup!
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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Sly Boots » Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:47 pm


Just as with Prison Architect, this is one I picked up during its Early Access and played then, only to barely touch it upon its full release.

Just got into it again, and immediately sucked in. It's pretty excellent for this type of DF-inspired game, the process of starting from scratch and building a little thriving settlement is one that plugs directly into the pleasure centre of my brain.

After half a dozen hours play I've got loads of fields with every type of crop, a paddock full of alpacas I've tamed that I'll harvest the wool from to make clothes for when winter comes, I've got electricity being produced by wind turbine and solar panels, a craft workshop and prison, where I routinely try to brainwash the raiders that attack us periodically into joining the collective (they're proving resistant so far).

A fire just broke out on the outskirts of the map and seems to be heading our way, I'm praying for rain but starting to get concerned.

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Re: Currently Playing

Post by Maturin » Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:16 pm

Total War: Warhammer 1

I played through an Empire campaign, then a Dwarf campaign on Hard, followed by some dabbling with the Vampire Counts. I rather enjoyed all that. It's the first time in a couple of years I've actually settled down and played through a game fully.

It's also the first TW game I've played since the early version of Rome2 (*spits*) and, at first glance, the province system/UI brought back a bunch of terrible memories of that mess of a game - but very soon it was apparent this was much more polished and a completely different prospect; the province system had been tweaked a lot and there was hardly any of that agent spam from Rome2. Diplomacy works fully, and performance was waaaaay better too.

It felt like more of a return to the fun TW style of Shogun2.

But... if I'm being honest, I kind of ended up wishing Rome 2 had been this good instead, because I think the theme fits the TW style a lot better than the Warhammer license. Nice to see CA back to making a decent TW though.

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