Got there today and was greeted by a sign from the Military Police, advising that driving anywhere to take your dog for a walk is a no-no:
Right so I think this is nuts. The woods are about a mile from me as the crow flies, maybe a mile and a half by road. If I read this right I could run to the woods and then do as I like, cycle to the woods and then do as I like, but not drive to them. To my mind this is utter idiocy. I completely get why I shouldn't drive to a beauty spot miles from where I live, but driving a mile from my house hurts nobody.You are entitled to exercise once daily. This should be by walking, running, cycling etc from your home address. You should not be driving to a location away from your home to carry this out.
So what do you think, should I be doing as I am asked or are they taking the piss here?