The series peaked with three for me, everything else became a knock off manifestation of something else that was superior and Deep Silver not having the deepest pockets seem to be struggling with matching any other current open world titles. New videos are going along with a oh look how crazy zany relevant and random everything is approach, which is fine but there's such a thick layer of broken and pure jank evident these newest previews could easily be mistaken for some form of on show early pre-alpha test. That's not a good look less than a month to release.
I'm glad the game has an Epic timed exclusive window that could be anything from six months to a year to prepare it for Steam consumption, negative nancy but by the looks of things it's going to fucking need it.
What's the deal with the camera? Oh and the top comment......
It's nice to see they're still releasing games for the Xbox 360
Building the future, and keeping the past alive - are one and the same thing.
Unsurprisingly it's very bad. Terrible writing and characters, boring gameplay and game breaking bugs. All reviews seem to be in agreement that's it's just plain bad.