Return to Monkey Island
Return to Monkey Island
Out September 19th. Can't say I'm that enthused by the announcement trailer (really, you're going to riff on a DLC joke from about 15 years ago?), so I'll probably wait for reviews just to make sure the humour is actually still there, but I'm quite keen on picking this up.
Re: Return to Monkey Island
I have no doubt I'll play it at some point, but it's the sort of thing I doubt I'll buy at the launch price, unless it's quite reasonable.
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Re: Return to Monkey Island
It's just under £20 on Steam. Obviously reasonable does depend on the game's length, another reason to wait for the reviews. It does seem to have been announced and released unusually quickly, which hopefully is more to do with the Devs not liking the years-long release schedules most games follow these days, rather than it being a short rush job.
It happens to release during my fortnight's holiday so it's perfect timing for me. I really want this to be good.
It happens to release during my fortnight's holiday so it's perfect timing for me. I really want this to be good.
Re: Return to Monkey Island
That's not too bad actually
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Re: Return to Monkey Island
It's extremely rare that I buy games on release these days, but I played a little of the original Secret of Monkey Island a few weeks ago and a couple of the pieces of music (mostly the Scumm Bar theme) have been going around in my head since and I guess this is maybe a way of excising them? Anyway, it's brimming with charm and wit, and the presentation is impeccable if you can appreciate the art style, which doesn't exactly go out of its way in the opening few minutes to endear you to it (it's entirely intentional and appropriate given the context). As soon as you load the game up, the main menu directs you to a little scrapbook containing memories from all of the previous games in the series, allowing you to catch up, which is such a charming way of catching up if, like me, you haven't played much of the series. The game is constantly giving you little reminders from previous games (well, I'm assuming they're reminders anyway), and I reckon long-time fans will probably get a kick out of them. Melee Island is *exactly* as you'll remember it too, obviously updated with the new art style, but everything is in the right place.
I've not come across a great deal of complicated puzzling so far, although I have used the excellent hints system once just to point me in the right direction. You have to keep asking for hints on a particular topic, and they get increasingly less subtle as you continue, which lets you easily get a gentle nudge towards the answer without giving you the whole solution, which is perfect for what I want.
At least in the first couple of hours, this feels pretty much exactly what people will want from a new Monkey Island game.
Re: Return to Monkey Island
Yeah, it's great. It's nice to see that it's sitting at 'overwhelmingly positive' as well on Steam after the forums leading up to release were being bombarded by people complaining about the art style. Looks like it was just a (very) vocal minority.
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Re: Return to Monkey Island
I've been watching your playthrough, and I've quite liked how the dialogue options change depending on what you've already seen and done. I didn't go to see LeChuck's ship until after I'd toured the entire island, and you had a few extra dialogue options compared to me. It also made things a little more open for you, as you don't see the two people returning from a meeting until you've been to the dock, so they were shut when I visited.
Re: Return to Monkey Island
Interesting, that's a nice touch!
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Re: Return to Monkey Island
Very much enjoying it so far, and the art style does actually suit it nicely. My one regret is stupidly going straight for the correct solution to:
Re: Return to Monkey Island
The line between wanting to feel clever for getting the right approach first time and doing what you think will be funniest is a fine one to tread.
I did note watching Sly's play through that we usually choose the same dialogue options.
I did note watching Sly's play through that we usually choose the same dialogue options.
Re: Return to Monkey Island
I usually try to pick the jokiest option available
I didn't think about the part WB suggested though
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