General Gaming News

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:30 am

I got the impression that one of the reboots for the game came after Anthem didn't do well and there was a direction shift away from them doing live service games.

I think Sly's right - they're trying to go down the Honour Among Thieves / Guardians of the Galaxy route of a light-hearted buddy adventure, which seems like a highly dubious choice given the series' previous tone.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Animalmother » Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:45 am

Are we sure Dreadwolf isn't something entirely different that's still in the works and this is just a get some live service shit out the door quick?

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:47 am

Nah, they said they renamed it from Dreadwolf to put more of a focus on the heroes rather than the antagonist.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Animalmother » Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:16 am

That's unfortunate :?


It's mostly a cinematic but the tone feels right at least. Might be a bit of a ballache in first person if there's lots of swinging about and platforming but it looks like it'll be fun.

Doom Dark Ages reminded me more of Painkiller than Quake I think. Also no sign of the horrible platforming from Eternal. I hate platforming in first person games in general but Eternals was just game breaking for me.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Raid » Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:02 am

I feel like I'm largely alone in having enjoyed the platforming in Doom Eternal. I suspect I would have hated it on a gamepad with its much slower turn-rate, but on M&K it was precise yet forgiving, and challenging enough not to feel tedious.

Indy looks like it'll be a really good gamepass game. They've not convinced me with the gameplay yet (they've barely shown any), but the cutscenes and story are clearly quite lavish, it's just that this isn't the kind of thing that makes me open my wallet. Not having that financial point of entry will mean I probably at least give it a go.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by DjchunKfunK » Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:30 pm

I thought Indy looked really good, better than the showing earlier this year, same goes for Avowed. Perfect Dark looked impressive as well.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Raid » Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:34 pm

I think Perfect Dark was the biggest surprise of the show. It looked like it was aiming for some immersive-sim elements, although it's possible that those were just necessary parts of the mission rather than options you could employ. I actually really liked Perfect Dark Zero at the time of release, though given that's nearly 20 years old (and was one of only two games I fancied back in the 360 launch period) I can't imagine it's all that relevant.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Lenny Solidus » Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:32 am

I doubt that it will come as any surprise that Assassin's Creed Shadows was my favourite game shown, I'd even go as far as to say it's practically a dream game for me personally as selection samurai Yasuke means I can bypass Tsushima for the time being. It honestly looks every bit as what could best be conceived as playing a modern take on one of my all-time favourite games - the original Tenchu: Stealth Assassins on PSX. There were some obvious aspects of jank sure, but the locations looked stunning combat was much more involving and the various new gameplay systems for both characters really see our first true advancements since Origin's very own rpg style introduction, something that surprisingly was also seemingly completely absent.

If anyone else spotted it there was even a character named Rikimaru present which was a very welcome nod to Acquires original that hooked me on roof crawling and stealth based gaming in general right next to MGS.

Indy looked just outright superb, many who were complaining about the length of cut scenes clearly didn't play Machine Games very own Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus because that thing was jammed with them. The actual quality of the characters (notice the hair blowing) was quite remarkable looking and punching Nazi's in the face is going to be raised to an entirely new level.

Crystal Dynamics on an immersion sim based approach Perfect Dark game could not be any more of a perfect choice, now that Prey is all but done and buried as an ip I'm more than happy they went with this particular style of gameplay, it's just too good to allow it to completely die off as a genre. Everything they learned making their Deus Ex based games looks like forming something very unique to actually play, even if much of it looks like aspects from other games, a fully fledged clamber system making a return is a welcome one.

DooM: TDA as someone else mentioned looked far more relaxed in nature compared to Eternal and a lot more Painkiller for sure as Animal so rightly pointed out. I never did complete Eternal, I loathed any and every platforming aspect to it and just wanted the far more consistent exploration/combat flow of 2016 back every step of the way. Very interested to see if they return to any form of multiplayer that returns to my favourite in the 2016 approach with Soul Harvest, War Path and the excellent Freeze tag modes. Fingers crossed they do.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is getting its first gameplay showcase today and there was already a short gameplay clip shown which looked pretty stunning. I loved every minute of Inquisition personally and have replayed it several times, I want nothing more than to lose myself in a game that is at the very least on par if not even better once more. Not sure about the trailer though, a very unexpected art style choice if you ask me that came over as more hero shooter than anything to do with DA but again having seen some gameplay footage I'm not really all that worried, but I guess we shall see if the that choice transitions into actual gameplay. Part of me wants a drastic change though tbf both to broaden the games appeal and to differ itself from an over saturated Soulslike landscape where everything blends into the next stylistically and in general tone. Still very much excited for Avowed on top.

I was a little disappointed Rebellion didn't showcase any new Sniper Elite title instead opting for something completely new, but we can't have everything I guess.

Oh yes, Asmongold who I've not bothered with in a very long time however here he was openly reacting to the MGS Delta trailer and proclaiming "I just hope they don't make the game political" which got me good* :lol:

*clearly meme inspired
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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Animalmother » Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:38 pm

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Sly Boots » Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:40 pm

Yeah, just finished watching a livestream of it... has allayed fears somewhat, there's none of the goofiness we saw in the previous cinematic trailer. The combat looks a bit generic though obviously, bit of a button-mash and occasional special ability once you've charged it up? Hopefully it's just because the character was level 1 and it gets a bit cooler as you progress.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Wrathbone » Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:49 pm

Yep, I’m quite excited for it now. I have no idea what they were thinking with that first trailer. I agree the combat looks uninspired, but then Origins was the only DA game with decent combat and I still rate 2 and Inquisition very highly.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by DjchunKfunK » Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:55 pm

I think it looked pretty bad, just a bog standard third person action game with average to bad looking combat. Reminds me of Mass Effect 2 in many ways, that transitioned fully to third person action after the more RPG nature of the first game but the combat was sub-standard for the time and the same looks true here. DA has been a more gradual move to full action game but that's basically what it is now with some RPG trimmings. Maybe the story is good, although the bits I caught from the trailer didn't fill me with hope, but even then if the combat isn't up to scratch I don't really have much interest in playing it. World does look quite nice though.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Animalmother » Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:49 am ... -the-thing
Loved that game back in the day but remember it being a bit janky and got ridiculously difficult towards the end.

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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Lenny Solidus » Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:56 am

On this day 25 years ago, the official beta for Counter-Strike released. June 19th 1999. There are currently over a million people in game playing it as I type. :shock:
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Re: General Gaming News

Post by Sly Boots » Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:27 pm

XCOM meets Star Wars? Colour me intrigued... ... the-genre/

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