GDTS enters what appears to be a guard's barracks. There are six beds. Next to each one, a chest. The room is messy, with clothes, dirty boots and stained blankets all over the place.

Roll me 6d6!
Giant Dances the Sea works his way through the chests, one by one.
2d8: 9 (8+1)Stormbringer wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:05 pmGiant Dances the Sea works his way through the chests, one by one.
Roll me:
- 2d8
- A d6
And test Presence (d20 + 3)
I will - my sword flails with cruel abandon.
Roll a d6!
You have three Omens to spend. You can use one to lower the target number by 4, thus succeeding, if you like?
Yep, let's do that!Stormbringer wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:20 pmYou have three Omens to spend. You can use one to lower the target number by 4, thus succeeding, if you like?
With the pillaged Staff of Awful Light still clasped in his mitts, Giant will lunge at the undead with it.Stormbringer wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:21 pmGDTS deftly avoids the swing of the spiked club!
Now it's his turn to act!